Friday, May 8, 2009

Get in CLOSE!!!

I recently completed a Studio Photography class taught by Matthew Allrand of Allrand Photography. He had one very important lesson that he wanted to convey. Get in close! I had been doing this with my wedding photos already, but my portraits were more traditional 'headshot' style. Noting the photo below, he was right!

What a completely different aspect. So much more feeling & emotion when the background is cut out and the subject is brought forth. Does this mean that we should only shoot close? Absolutely not. Often the photos we take encompass more than just the subject we are shooting.

The basic thing to remember is with your shots at home, don't be afraid to zoom in a bit. If you want some pop in your photos, try a few close ups. You will not regret it. Thanks to Andrea and Tony for allowing me to photograph you in such intimate detail. Thanks Matthew for the tip!

Images taken by Germani Photography. Please do not copy or reproduce without permission.

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